Home HIGH-TECH SOLUTIONS 16+Most important Robotic Events 2020

16+Most important Robotic Events 2020

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Best Robotic Events

Robotic events are programs organized by The Robotics Education & Competition Foundation to introduce world with the latest technologies and advances in Automation and robotics. The purpose of these events is to promote professional advancement and techniques in the robotic field. Some of the most important robotic events of 2020 are the following.

16+ Best Robotic Events 2020


Date: September 11- 12, 2020.

Location: Leipzig.

Summary: The essential purpose of all about the automation event is on the necessary component in the company’s exhibition of the portfolio. In this event, Managing Director of software developer 3plusplus, Dirk Fromme, has described his trade fair experience. The total concentration of All about Automation Leipzig is on readymade solutions and products.

Web: http://www.automation-leipzig.com/


Date: September 23- 24, 2020.

Location: Johor Bahru (Malaysia.

Summary: Experts will lead this event to bring knowledge among the people about the most recent technologies, modern mechanization patterns, industrial automation trends, handling material, measurement, and test to attain and boost productivity and manufacturing of products in the industry.

Web: http://industrialroadshow.com/


Date: September 15- 17, 2020.

Location: Santa Clara, CA (USA).

Summary: The RoboBusiness Conference & Expo is a three-day event that will guide people about the robotics industry, in-depth analysis of the intelligent system, Automation, and opportunities of peer networking that how they change their business and advance society by the use of robotics revolution.

Web of the robotic events: http://www.robobusiness.com/


Date: September 21- 26, 2020.

Location: Plovdiv Bulgaria.

Summary: It’s a six-day trade show of business organized by Plovdiv International Fair concentrating on engineering industry services, products, and company’s news. ROBOHITECH is a trade show that will exhibit new technology of robots and innovations in robotic systems.

Web: http://www.fair.bg/en


Date: September 22- 24, 2020.

Location: St. Petersburg (Russia.

Summary: It is a 21st International Specialized Exhibition to attract buyers’ attention from a wide variety of industries. AUTOMATION ST. PETERSBURG is a specialized exhibition of Russia focused on the automation industry’s problems and the introduction of new information in the sphere of production about computer technologies.

Web: http://www.en.farexpo.ru/

One of the most important Robotic Events: STOM-ROBOTICS

Date: September 22- 24, 2020.

Location: Kielce (Poland).

Summary: STOM-ROBOTICS is exclusively committed to industrial robots. This robotic event’s range includes service and product line design and implementation of technology, instruments, and controls and drives.

Web of the robotic events: http://www.targikielce.pl/en


Date: September 24- 26, 2020.

Location: ExpoSalão, Batalha, Portugal.

Summary: 14.0EXPO is a platform for all the companies that go along with the digital revolution to represent themselves.

Web: http://exposalao.pt/displayFair/i40-expo


Date: October 2020.

Location: Moscow (Russia).

Summary: PTA is a business program in which specialists of the Siberian region like leading developers, equipment manufacturers, and software represent presentations and reports. New solutions and developments will be present.

Web: http://www.pta-expo.ru/en


Date: October 5-9, 2020.

Location: Brno (Czech Republic).

Summary: It is the most celebrated international technology fair consists of different areas; among them, the largest is industrial machinery materials and components, Automation and electronics, device measuring, automation robot technology, and sensor technology.

Web: http://www.bvv.cz/en/msv


Date: October 13-15, 2020.

Location: Sosnowiec (Poland).

Summary: This exhibition is a single platform in Poland for the representation of offers of the robotics industry. This event’s primary focus is on industrial processes automation, industrial robots, and control system diagnostics.

Web: http://www.exposilesia.pl/robotshow


Date: October 19-22, 2020.

Location: Budapest (Hungary).

Summary: It is an International Trade Exhibition of Machine Manufacturing Technology, welding technology, and mechanical engineering in Hungary. Exhibitors of international trade fair utilize this to their advanced materials, machines, and reorganization.

Web: http://iparnapjai.hu/en


Date: October 28-31, 2020.

Location: Seoul (Korea South).

Summary: This event comprises three essential functions, an exhibition of the international robot, and the contest of robot, the conference of the robot, which is going all in one culture, business, and academics.

Web:  http://www.robotworld.or.kr/eng


Date: November 04-06, 2020.

Location: Astana (Kazakhstan).

Summary: This exhibition is designed for specialists to present enterprises working in metal product production, building tools of machinery, Automation, machine-building medium, and precision, repairing of equipment and machines.

Web: http://www.machexpo.kz/en


Date: November 18-21, 2020.

Location: Bangkok (Thailand).

Summary: METALEX 2020 is a program of ASEAN community of metalworking, famous for its richness and pivot of new technology launches. This event is held for manufacturers and producers to find out technologies first time in ASEAN that will only display at METALEX.

Web: http://www.robotx-expo.com/


Date: November 24-26, 2020.

Location: Daegu, South Korea.

Summary: This robot expo will illustrate different types of robots, including transfer robot, information robot, medical robot, systems of the robot, the robot that controls fire, agriculture, movies, games, toys, sports, etc.

Web: http://www.robex.or.kr/eng

Our last recommendation of robotic events: ADVANCED AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGIES. PTA

Date: November 25, 2020.

Location: Yekaterinburg (Russia).

Summary: The basic purpose of this conference is to represent new solutions and developments in the automation field and enterprise digital transformation.

Web: http://www.pta-expo.ru/en

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